Best Place to Spend Time on Your Business

If you listen to any of the experts about growing an online business, they generally agree on what is the most important place to spend your time.

What do you think it is?

Nope…not facebook, instagram, product creation, pinterest images.

Most of them say it’s their list … their email list. They wish they would have spent more time on their list from Day One!

How much time do you spend growing your list and cultivating a relationship with your readers?

A better question might be, how much time do you spend on Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram?  The problem with social media is you have no control over your list. You are at the mercy of Facebook everytime they change the rules.  Same for Pinterest and Instagram as they change their algorithm about which posts are seen by your followers.

With your email list, you have complete control over what is sent to your readers.  You can create different email sequences and sales offers based on each of your readers. When you personalize your message, your readers are more likely to read and respond when you have an offer.

Short Case Study on List Building in a Niche

Last month I decided to create a brand new email list for a Homeschool Unit Study I created. Not only would I get new subscribers to the list, I created an 18 email follow up sequence. I wanted to begin from ground zero developing a relationship with my new readers. In that series, I had two different offers along with good content my readers wanted.  What are my results?

I gave away my Unit Study in September freebies. I paid $100 to be included. Within a few days, my new readers received the first offer around September 27 (2 weeks ago). I’ve had 19 sales. I made back my $100 and more. For brand new readers, that’s a good start. And the second offer is being emailed this week, so I expect even more sales.

Do I need to go to Facebook or Instagram to develop that relationship with my new readers and new customers? No, I can stay on my blog and in my email list. It’s all in a place that I control what message is given.

Where are YOU spending your time?  Your list or social media?

This past Monday I heard Ruth Soukup make a statement that rings true to me.  “You have to do the right things in the right order”. You may be doing the right things, but done in the wrong order you won’t grow your business.

In this situation, the right things are cultivating my list. The right order is the email sequence that I am using.

To learn more about email marketing and how you can use it to grow your business, take a look at my Email Marketing Tool Kit right here.

The Tool Kit includes all 3 of these items at 1/2 price.

  • 37 Best Email Subject Lines
  • Email Writing Secrets
  • {21 Ideas} to Get Your First 1000 Email Subcribers for FREE

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