This video is only available now to our Gold members. If you would like to be on the waiting list for FamilyEbiz Gold, click here.
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Ask your questions or share your biggest takeaways from the workshop above.
Discover How to Build Your Online Business &
Gain More Freedom for Your Family
Than Ever Before!
Is blogging or working from home overwhelming?
Do you struggle to stay focused?
Could you use someone to come alongside you?
Would a step-by-step action plan help you really put this into practice?
Or better yet, a weekly calendar with action steps?
Would it help to have others to bounce ideas around?
Are you creating happy (and happy-to-refer) clients and customers at every touchpoint in your business? If not, we’ve gotta talk…
- What if you could have step-by-step action plans to attract the ideal reader and keep her coming back to your blog?
- What if you had the tools to stay organized and consistent in taking your business to the next level?
- What if you could create the perfect product for your ideal reader, so she buys up everything you have?
- What if you could create products at different price points for customers at different price points?
- What if you had accountability to stay productive and focused on growing your bottom line?
- What if you could create your entire ebook or coaching program in a weekend?
- What if you could grow your list with step-by-step action plans and calendars?
- What if you could turn your ebook into an online course? (Hey, I’ve done this many times)
- What if you could reduce overwhelm and procrastination
Introducing: FamilyEbiz Gold Membership
What’s it’s all about?
Each month I will choose a topic based on a topic what our members need help with. It’s all about our Gold Members. I won’t pick a topic because I think it’s cool. I will choose topics based on our Gold Member’s needs.
Topics may include:
- How to Win Back Your Motivation
- How to Perfect Your Message & Spread it Across All Platforms
- How to Master Your Product Planning & Creation
- 7 Ways to Destress Your Blog or Online Business for More Happiness & Profits
- 7 Ways to Get Out of a Sales Slump Fast
- 7 Ways to Make Your Readers Fall in Love with You
From there, I will create and give you 6 practical resources to help you overcome blocks in that area. Our October topic is How to Make More Money with Your Blog and you’ll receive all these resources to help you (in addition to the workshop video above)
- Private Monthly Coaching Workshop ($97) – Cover one or more topics listed above!
- Private GroupMe – Priceless
- Monthly Action Calendar – 4 weeks – 5 weekdays ($27)
- Monthly Checklist to Stay Focused & Productive ($27)
- Monthly List of Resources with Reviews ($15)
- Monthly Worksheet – Steps to Take & Actions to Do ($27) – Implement one or more topics above each month
- BONUS: Monthly DIY Courses on a different topic ($97)
- Step-by-Step Instructions for Bloggers & Online Businesses
- Many “Done in a Weekend” Courses
Total Monthly Value $290
After my first webinar using your course, here are the results. I had 332 on the webinar at one time (the avg before was 22!) As soon as the webinar was over, I had sold 8 courses @ $595 and 3 more at 2-payment option …and am up to 16 sales so far!
Thank you – The money I spent with you was by far the best money I’ve ever invested in any educational program. Your format and the email templates made it all possible and they really work!
In the end, I made $27,604.00 on my FIRST webinar after getting your course!”
Dan Baumann |
Quarterly Helps to Skyrocket Your Business
Each quarter we will have a 4 module bootcamp (Value $297) covering topics such as
- Bloggers Storytelling Bootcamp
- Supercharge Your Marketing for Less Stress, More Clients & More Cash in Just 4 Weeks Bootcamp
- Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Self Care for Bloggers Bootcamp
- 4 Weeks to Smash through Writer’s Block Bootcamp
Gold Members will also receive Quarterly Private Call with Kerry ($100)
Quarterly Value $397
Bonuses – This Week ONLY
- 12-Month Marketing Calendar E-Course($247)
4 Ebooks
4 Action Plans
4 Checklists
4 Video (coming soon) - 50 Ways to Crush the Things that are Keeping YOU from Happiness + Success ($27)
Bonuses Value $274
I am an emerging entrepreneur and a homeschooling mom of 4 with ADHD. I am an idea person; my mind never stops generating ideas on ways to do things, whether it is reorganizing the house to run more efficiently or ways to make money.
I have been stuck in an “Information Overload” mode, while continuing to acquire more information and “Action Paralysis” for about 4 years. Meaning I have enormous amounts of information, but can’t find a way to put it into action.
Stephen & Kerry Beck are a dynamic team that have given me EVERYTHING I NEED to continue to move forward and implement my ideas and plans to create a successful and extremely profitable future for my family.
This is an amazing opportunity to get you started!
Erica Rueschhoff
Founding Members Bonuses – This Week ONLY
30-Minute Private Call with Kerry
Planning Worksheet
Action Plan by End of Call
Founding Members Bonus Value $138
Stephen and Kerry gave us all the tools we needed to start a family-run online business.
Stephen is a great teacher and breaks everything down into easy-to-follow steps. We appreciated all the resources, and the individualized attention in creating our site and ebook. Our family has been so blessed and has had such an enjoyable time all working together. God bless you!
Kevin & Wendy Shaw | |
Total Value $1099 + Surprises Along the Way
Gold Membership Regular Price $97/month but . . .
NOTE: Gold Membership includes 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.After 30 days, memberships may be cancelled by emailing kerry – AT FamilyEbiz. com. No refund will be made after 30 days.